Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > sore


19 9:52:04

My 9 year old cocker has a nasty sore on the left side of his mouth. He keeps rubbing his face on the carpet and it starts to bleed. I have been using polysporin on it. any other ideas.

Hello Cathy,

First, Have you taken him to see a vet? There may be something that needs to be addressed medically.  When ever there is blood, that is the time to seek medical help.  So many things can happen like infection, and you don't want that.

I would suggest you get him a supplement called NuVet Plus, this is an immune system builder.  Your dog could be lacking something in his diet that is making him rub.  Try the NuVet for 60 days and see if it helps, if not get your money back with their 100% guarantee.
Not available in stores - call 800-474-7044 the order code to buy them is 42299 or
Let them know Susan from Spotts Grooming referred you to them.  
I would like to hear the outcome. You may email me at
Best wishes,