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too much exercise?

19 10:01:02

we have two dogs- one lab and one mix...presumably of pointer, pit bull, and maybe greyhound? they both get 45 min-1 hour walks/hikes TWICE a day....yet they seem to have so much energy! they both wake up at around 5:30 and start wrestling/ question is could it be that they are becoming conditioned to have too much exercise, therefore it is not "wearing them out" as much as it should? most of our friends that have pets usually walk their dogs once a WEEK, and yet they sleep through the night and are not as wound up. The dogs are also both around 2 years old. Any suggestions?? thanks!!

Dear Wendy,

Thank you for writing to me about your dogs.  It seems that you are walking your dogs enough for them to get a good amount of exercise.  That, plus their wrestling should tire them out.  They seem to be high energy dogs however so perhaps you need to get a treadmill for them or take them swimming if that is available.  Be sure to speak with your vet if you add to their exercise schedule as you don't want to tax them too much nor overheat them.  Another danger is that of a torn muscle or tendon.  So work with your vet or ask him to recommend someone who is skilled in physical therapy for dogs.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis