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Puppy 2 1/2 months old throwing up a lot.....

19 13:39:53

I have 2 1/2 month old Greyhound puppies. My Runt of the litter constantly is throwing up. She throws up her food, water, or even treats we give them. She has done this since birth. The other 3 puppies are healthy and do not have this problem. I have tried diluting her food, and even pouring pepto bismol in her water, but she still throws it up.
Please help?
Thank you,

Hi Jennifer,  It sounds like there might be something wrong with her stomach.  With Greyhounds this can be dangerous as they get older because they are prone to bloat and gastric torsion.  I would have a vet check it out because as she grows it could get more serious. You want to catch whatever it is while she is still young.  Hope this helps,
