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Puppymill chi and housetraining

19 10:24:44

I have adopted a puppymill chihuahua female that is about 2.5 yrs old.  She messes in the crate constantly and I'm not sure how to get her to stop.  I have a Pom male (fixed) that is totally housetrained and she is learning from him, but breaking her from going in her crate is a HUGE issue for us. She is a pretty great dog for the 2 weeks I've had her. A bit skittish but doesn't bite or anything and sleeps with us and the Pom. Tolerate my 2 young kids and 2 cats well also.
Any help on house training her is appreciated.!

Since she soils the crate,I think the way you have to go is with puppy pads

What you do is put the dog inside of a little pen or gated off into one room,and put down the puppy pads,and if it looks like she is ready to do something,or is even in the middle of doing something,put her on the pads,and praise her when she goes on them,then slowly move the pads towords the door and that often moves them out

Even when you are not home keep in the puppy pen with the pads down