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Bitting and barking at supper

19 14:13:29

I have a rescue dog who is 3 years old. He is neutered.He loves people except my husband. He will jump up in my husbands lap on his own and lick him and be real nice. But then, if my husband moves his feet or talks or gets a drink of his soda, Jamie goes nuts and barks and attacks the foot rest of the chair by biting it. If my husband gets up out of the chair to go to the kitchen or go to bed, Jamie will chase after him barking all the time and try to bite my husbands leg. He's fine with every one else.Also when we sit down to eat supper Jamie will start barking and won't quit and I don't beleive in hitting him and I don't think it would improve maters any. I got Jamie from our vet and was told that who ever had him first was a big man and beat the heck out of him when he was a puppy. So I guess that is why he acts the way he does with my husband. I've had dogs all my life also. I'm 53 and we've been married 32 years and this is our 3rd dog. Our first one lived to be almost 16 and the one before this lived to be 13. I'm sorry this is so long but I just can't beleive that there isn't an answer to this problem. I forgot to tell you Jamie is half toy poodle and half shit suz. He has the size of the toy poodle. Thank you so much for your time. Sincerley Mary Willis  

HI Mary,

Yes, Jamie definetly has a few problems!  I am so happy that you and your husband have taken him in though, as it sounds like he has had a rough life.  I think you hit the nail on the head about your husband reminding him of the abuse he received from the big man who had him before you did.  It seems to me Jamie actually loves your husband, as you said when he is sitting down that all is well.  I think when your husband gets up, it reminds him of the man who used to own him, therefore he goes into his fits.  Maybe it would help if your hubby picked him up and carried him with him when he got up?  Maybe just for awhile to see if it helped ?  Also, I think he is barking at you at supper time either for attention or for some food.  Maybe he was fed from the table in the past.  Have you tried putting him up in another room or crating him when you eat ?    If these suggestions do not work, ask your vet if there is a mild sedative that you can give him.  He may just be over anxious and need a little calming down.   I can tell that you are good pet owners by the length of time that you had your other dogs.  In my opinion, Jamie has a really good home now, and I think with a lot of patience and maybe a little sedative, he may turn out to be one of your best pets ever.

My best to you.
God Bless,