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Carpal Pad

19 10:08:45


My Little boy Arnie!
I just wondered if you would know if a dog can break his carpal pad ... the reason i am asking is that my dog has been limping for a while and i has just thought i might have found the problem ... his carpal pad on his poorly leg is very lose and not firm like on his other front leg?? Please could you let me know if its possible that they can break them? Thanks very much

Hi Katie,

A dog's carpal pad isn't bone, but it's totally possible for the pad to be bruised, or lacerated or that a bone in the foot is broken. If your dog is limping, you can be sure he's in pain. Try not to handle his injured foot.

There's no way to guess at what the problem is, your dog needs to be examined by your veterinarian. In the mean time,  keep him still as possible, and limit him to short leashed walks. You shouldn't wrap the foot, since you don't know what the problem is. Wrapping might not be something that would help, it could make things worse.

Best of luck,