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Pregnant dog has fleas now!!!

19 10:54:09

Hi, I know you are not a veterinarian but I need help here. My miniature schnauzer girl is pregnant at the time, about 40 days. We finally have some nice weather and here come the fleas again. ALL of our dogs are house dogs and none of them except My schnauzer girl has fleas. Well, since she is pregnant i dont know what to do about them. Since we also just had a baby, I`m deffinetly lost on this one. I just now noticed them, cause I had one jump on my hand, so I checked all of my dogs and found them on my baby girl bad. Since she is more of a toy size she always gets them so bad. I do not want to shave her hair off compleatly like last year, since the sun is burning down bad, and she still needs to go outside. HELP. I`m originaly from germany. We do have fleas but not as bad as here in kansas. I was shocked when I first moved here. My dogs NEVER had fleas, so I`m pretty much a newby if it comes to fleas. I just want to get rid of them. I will still have to wait a little bit, but I bought some seven dust to kinda controll the insects in our yard. Can you personally tell me anything about seven Dust???
Well, I already say thank you so much for your answer.

Treat ALL of the other dogs with Frontline or Advantage, and bathe the pregnant bitch, shampooing her well everywhere (start up by the head and work backwards) and letting the shampoo sit on her for several minutes. This should kill many of the fleas on her, but killing whatever fleas you find by hand will probably give you some satisfaction; it certainly does me*G*. In between shampooing, go through her with a flea comb and kill the *&$#$*@ so-and-so's by hand.

Here is an *EXCELLENT* site on flea control.

Personally, I would avoid Sevin Dust and use nematodes and Diatomaceous Earth around the house and yard. You will find information on those on the flea control site.