Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > irritated paws

irritated paws

19 14:19:23

I have just come home from taking my dog for a walk, and he is just going nuts over his paws, all 4 of them.... licking them and running around growling, for about half an hour now, we have given him a bath but it does'nt seem to have done much....(u.k. resident if any help)..thanx

Hi, it sounds like he walked through something that is possibly itching or burning his paws.  Maybe poison ivy?  Considering you washed him and he still is going nuts, it sounds more like something like poison ivy.  I would get him into the vet so they can give him something like an antihistamine to help the irritation.  I don't know if you have Benadryl over there (its an over the counter antihistamine).  Here in the states we use it for dogs for things like that.  Hope this helps, and good luck.
