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min pin obedience training

19 14:05:37

how can i train an extremly hard headed min pin. thought i had her potty train and she made a stink of the bed room in which she sleeps at night
in her cage.  she knows her name but will roll  her eys at me and run the other way...brat. she's 4 months and has added 4 years to my 37.  we have alot in common...both grumpy, attitude forever and stubborn.  i consistently say no she consistently ignors me and whats whith the eye rolling?  it gives me a headache...what a little snob! i think she's trying to take my throne a way and I'm not how! help she's staring at my tiarra!

Hi Priscilla,  Yes Min Pins can be hard headed.  Where did you get your min pin and how old was she when you got her?  Also what are you doing to train her?  When are you feeding her, how often do you let her out, does she go on pads, etc.  I would need to know specifics so I can give you advice as to what to try to help you get through the potty training.  Potty training is extremely difficult with little ones, and with some it can be harder than others.  Let me know what you are doing and then I can get a better idea of what you should do next.
