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New Lhasapoo Puppy

19 11:35:35

Hi there,

I have a new lhasapoo (lhasa apso and toy poodle) mixed breed puppy and he is just the love of my life!! I might be a bit neurotic as a new mommy, but I have a couple of questions:

(1) There is a continuous brown-ish discharge in the corners of his eyes. I've been using a Q-tip with warm water ever other, or every two days to wipe the inner area down and get rid of the gunky-build-up. What causes this? Should I be concerned about it and is there anything I can do to stop it or keep it from happening? I'm concerned it's uncomfortable for him...

(2) I've also noticed that he has a little coughing fit for about 20-40 seconds about 4-5 times a day. He then usually gags a bit like he's coughing something up and then he's fine. He's on an antibiotic now since last Tuesday, July 31 st as the vet said it might be a bit of kennel cough. After this many days of antiobiotics, shouldn't it be going away? Should I be concerned about this?

and finally, the last one I promise!
(3) My little man seems to have a wandering eye. What I mean is, on both eyes, you see quite a bit of the white around his pretty eyes and sometimes, when you look directly at him, one eye seems to focus on me, and one looks a different direction. My fiancee is really upset about this and very concerned he may have a serious eye problem that might lead to blindness or some other problems...can you explain what this might be?? Should I take him to the vet and point it out to the vet? On his first puppy visit, the vet said nothing...and I didn't notice it...only my fiancee pointed out to me that sometimes it looks as if his eyes don't move together...

Please help....I'm a new puppy owner, always grown up around and taken care of many animals and my own, but this is my first puppy on my own....I love him to pieces, so any help or calming of my nerves would be greatly appreciated..

Thanks ever so much!

Hi Tania,  congrats on your pup!!  :-)

1) Most dogs get this, it's just like the gunk you get in the coners of human eyes after you've slept. It's more noticeable with lighter coats.  Our collie has a bplack patch over one eye, and it's always more noticeable on her white eye. I just wipe ours away, the way you have been. You can get special shampoo, and eye wipes for lighter coated dogs.

2) Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for Kennel Cough. The most important thing that you can do for your dog once infected, is to rest him or her. Antibiotics may be prescribed (as in your case) to prevent secondary bacterial infections which could lay your dog open to pneumonia etc. Coupage (patting the chest with cupped hands) and steam inhalation can both help the cough - the latter can be achieved by running a hot bath with your bathroom door shut, and sitting in the steamy room with your dog for 10 - 20 minutes. Sadly, Kennel Cough frequently lasts for 4 weeks, and your pet will be contagious to other dogs for up to 3 months!

3)Often with smaller dogs eg chi's, toy poodles, affenpincers, etc the eyes seem to go squint sometimes. I would point it out to your vet,  but I doubt it will be anything that could cause blindness.

Good luck in the future with your pup!  :-)