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Pomeranian or Pomeranian mix

19 9:20:58

Brandy my Pomeranian
Brandy my Pomeranian  
Hi I have a Dog named Brandy, we were told that she was a Pure bred Pomeranian. But her body dosn`t match a Pom`s. I think she`s a Pomeranian Sheltie mix. What do you think? Pure Pom or Pom mix?

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for writing to me about Brandy..sorry for the delay...there has been a bad flu bug going around here.  It's really hard to tell from the angle of the photo what she might be.  Unless you get a dog from a responsible breeder, and I emphasize the word responsible, you can not be sure what genetic background your dog might be.   I encourage people to not worry so much about the purity of the breed but the fact that you have saved a shelter dog from death's door.  All dogs will love you forever and give you untold loyalty, so why promote unnecessary breeding when a life is hanging by a thread?  The fact is that your Brandy is gorgeous...absolutely stunning and that is all that matters.

Be sure that you spay her so as to protect her from cancer as well as not contribute to the over population problem.  She is a precious munchkin so love her forever, never giving her up for any reason and she will love you back forever as well.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis