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House breaking an older dog

19 14:19:27

Intermittent and not everyday either. just sometimes. i think she gets so excited to go outside and just doesnt go.
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Question -
Hi. My name is Kim. I have a Boston Terrier that just turned 1 on 12/3. I've had her for the past ten months but I never had her on a consistent schedule enough to have her house trained. Now my apartment is suffering from it. We are moving to a new apartment in mid-January and we've startedtaking her outside from when we first wake up, right before leaving for work (3 hours after the firs time), when we return (about 7 hours), then right after they eat/go to bed. They at least get walked four times a day One of my dogs is fine with this routine and only had one accident, the Boston is a problem. She still pees in the house at times and still poops in the house. What I dont understnad is, its within the hour sometimes minutes after being walked. What is going on? Its always in the same spot, probably because we haven't gotten the carpet professionally cleaned yet which will be done once we have moved. Do you think that after we move, she won't do it as much since there won't be that left over smell and because we're staying on routine with the walking and the feeding? Do you have any advice or tips for training this dog not to go in the house at all? And what I can do for when she does have an accident. I'm so sorry this is sooo long. Any response will be greatly appriecated. I totally at my wits end with this stuff. Its making me want to find her a new home. Thank you in advance!
Answer -
Hi Kim,  I need to know if the Terrier is having accidents at specific times or if it is just intermittened.  Please let me know, and I can help you.

Hi, she might be getting too excited.  I normally recommend to my clients to take the dogs out and actually throw a ball and make them run back and forth to get nature working.  What happens with the walking is that you have slowly stimulated things, and when she comes back the body relaxes and stimulates her to go.  If you can put her outside after a walk, you might have more success of not having the accidents.  The smell is possibly instigating her to go also so the new place might help, but don't hold your breath on it.  I would get her on a really strict schedule, and crate her when you aren't home and when she hasn't gone to the bathroom.  Are you keeping her in a small room when you are gone?  When it comes to housebreaking problems, the best thing to remember is to backup and go back to the basics of potty training itself.  Keeping her confined, and on a regular schedule.  If you need more help, feel free to contact me.  Hope this helps, and good luck.
