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spaying and stitches

19 13:53:28

Our dog was spayed on Tues (4 days ago) and two of the four stitches have come out tonight.  Of course, it is the weekend w/no vet available.  Can we "superglue" the skin together to hold?  I know it sounds crazy but we've heard of humans doing this instead of stitches.  What do you think?

Hi Margaret!

No, don't do that!  LOL  It is a special surgical glue that is used to hold skin in place of stitches.  She will be fine. There are several layers of skin that are stithced, so even though the ones on the outside have come loose, she still has several layers beneath that.  She will do fine until Monday, and then, if you are still worried you can take her in.

God bless,