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My 2 yr old male, neutered yorkie

19 10:03:06


My little man
Leeds, my male Yorkie, has always had issues with going outside to potty when the ground is even damp.  Therefore, he would use the floors of my house as a toilet.  Now, he has started having bowel movements on my floors, even when it is beautiful outside.  He doesn't always do this, but for the last few days, he has.  We keep our yard mowed, flea-controlled, etc.  We also have a deck and patio that he can use, if need be.  Can  you give me any suggestions.

You need to return to "Housebreaking 101". If he doesn't have a crate, get one and use it. He must be crated at night, or whenever he cannot be watched. Put him out first thing in the morning, after he eats and wakes, after he plays, and last thing at night. Since he is older, going out every couple hours should be sufficient.

Keep a journal so that you know when he should need to eliminate, and if he doesn't go when you think he should have to, put him back in his crate and try again 30 minutes later. Be sure to go outside with him so that you can PRAISE HIM when he potties appropriately.

Keep him with you at all times, or have him in his crate.