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My dog has been throwing up everyday

19 11:48:25

I have a Labrador retriever who has been throwing up almost for a month. He does this almost every morning when he wakes up. I've been feeding him with rice and chicken lately for fear it has been a digestion problem, but his is still throwing up. Today he didn't throw up his food but vomited a little blood.


Please take your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible. If it has been financial concerns that have kept him from seeing a doctor, you can look for a local organization like CAAP (Companion Animal Assistance Program), or contact various veterinary clinics to see how they can help. Some will offer credit programs or payment plans. Brown rice and chicken is a good thing to try i the beginning, but anytime a dog is throwing up as regularly as every day for this long, it is a concern. When a dog begins vomiting blood, he absolutely needs to be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine what could be causing it. Several things can cause this, and it is potentially a serious problem -- especially undiagnosed and untreated.

Good luck and I'm sorry I can't help you over the internet.
