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dog not eating food

19 11:37:27

hi i have had my shi-tzu one year this august coming and she does not seem to be eating her dog foods we have tried different varieties such as hero and ceaser ich are both rich foods.she only eats her food if it is given to her by hand or if it is meat like chicken which humans eat.we have tried putting her food on the floor as i once read that her litter may have been messy so she is used to that but she is one year old now shouldn't she have grown out of not eating by now?it is a pain aswell as her dog meat seems to go off quickly so when she doesn't eat it and leaves it to go stail the ammount of dog meat wasted a week is unbelievable what should i do ? thanks in advance.

Are you only feeding her wet food? I would recommend that you start feeding a dry food, because wet food can hasten the buildup of tartar on the teeth, and wet foods are usually not that great for your dog overall.

Please take a look at the following website to learn how to pick a dog food, because the foods you have been feeding are very low quality foods.

It's possible you are offering her too MUCH food. When you feed her (I'm going to assume you're feeding her twice a day), offer her half of what she should be getting for the day, according to the feeding chart on the bag. Leave the food down for 15 minutes, and then take it back up again. Using dry food allows for less waste, because any food that's left in the bowl can be dumped back into the dog food storage container (you should not just leave opened dog food in the bag it comes in - this can encourage bacteria growth as well as pests). At the next mealtime, measure out half of her daily recommended amount again and offer that to her. Do not add the uneaten amount to the next feeding. Soon, she should start eating her food when it's offered, because she will know that she will not get another opportunity for the rest of the day.

Until she is eating her food, do not give her any treats or 'extras.' If you're training, use her kibble as treats.