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Puppy raised in kennel

19 11:26:20

Hi Diane,
I am wondering about a puppy who had essentially been kennel raised. She is 6 months old and in the kennel with her sister. I believe there is very limited socialization. What concerns should I have in regards to taking ownership? I should add that I have her brother, and have had him since he was 2 months.I would have to wait another 3 weeks to get her because my pup is having open heart surgery for PDA tomorrow and he would need time to heal completely. They are English Setters. Thanks for any insight..Pamela

Pamela, I am assuming that you're doing rescue here? So this pup has had very little socialization and human contact. Tough thing, but you can do it. A lot depends on her personality to begin with. Some dogs become very very shy and will fear bite. Some are very other dog oriented and just sort of dont' respond much to humans at all. You're honestly just going to have to wait and see what you have to deal with when you get her.  Once you do, I can help you evaluate her and we can go from there in dealing with her problems. At her age there will be problems, but shouldn't be anything that can't be worked through. It only remains to see what the specifics are, and how badly they affect her.
Keep me informed,.