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my dog doesnt love me

19 13:47:46

My new puppy and I are not connecting. When we go for walks she would lie there in the middle of it and not get up at all. When there is another person or family around, she wags her tail and runs to them and won't come back to me. She would sit under other people's feet when we go to a cafe, and would never sit under my feet even when we are at home. Can you help?


You need to spend more time with your dog. She probably feels neglested. Im not saying your doing this but dogs need a lot of loving and time.

When you take her for walks get something for her to play with. like a toy and throw it for her and spend time together. Also running with her is a good idea.

Thats all you need to do and she will love you. Just spend more time with her and give her a lot of treats, play with her, cuddle her, kiss her etc.

Good luck and i hope i have helped X