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dog sitting on other dogs

19 14:05:24

I have three dogs: a Boxer/Lab mix 3 years old (Molly), a Boxer (Lilly) 2.5 years old (who is the mother of), Jack who is almost 6 months old (Boxer).  Jack will sit on the other dogs when they are laying down, particulary when they are chewing on a toy or a rawhide.  I don't know if he does this to be dominate or if he wants whatever it is that they have.  He will sit on my eight year old son if my son lays on the ground.  He just sits down like they are a chair.  He doesn't "hump" them; he just SITS down.  It looks so silly.  I don't know if it a behavior that I should correct.  It never causes a fight.  They other dogs tolerate him.  My son thinks it is a riot.  Jack shows no aggression, rather almost indifference.  He sits and just looks around.  Ears in normal position.  Not tense, just sits.  Can you tell me why he may be doing this and should I stop this behavior?  I have never seen a dog do this before!

Oh Mindy;
Thanks for a good laugh this morning.LOl
I have had dogs that did that, and have known others that did.
It isn't anything but a quirky behavior.
It isn't domination or aggression, lol, just laugh and enjoy this little nut.
The fact that your son laughs probably encourages this pup. He is playing.
If the other dogs get tired of it, they will make him stop.
I doubt it will cause a big fight, just a lot of growling, barking and pretend biting. They do throw fits with each other at times, they squabble just like kids do, and just like when it is the kids, as long as there is no blood drawn or damage done, no problem.
Dogs can't scream, "Leave me along and stop doing that" like kids do, so they act like they attack, but they don't draw blood, they just throw a fit for a bit, but it lets the other dog know that will not be tolerated anymore.
I had two dogs once, and one of them would bug the other till she got her to throw a fit with her, then she would run arund the yard with her head back, and her mouth looking like she was laughing.
Some dogs are just little pests.LOl
I don't think this is behavior you need to be concerned about, actually, it is a more common thing than you think.
It IS funny.LOL