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Housebreaking Problems

19 9:24:13

Hi Teri,

I have a two-year-old male Silky Terrier named Otis and we have not been successful in housebreaking him.  He ususally whines when he has to go outside and I walk him every day, during which he pees and poops.  However, he does still regularly goes to the  bathroom in the house.  His favorite spot to pee is under our dining room table in the middle of the night (Always a treat to wake up to).

I'm feeling inadequate with my training skills and frustrated with having to scrub my floor each morning.

Any suggestions?
Thank you,

    Not knowing his feeding schedule, I'm going to assume he's free-fed. So first of all, make sure he's on a feeding schedule. Free-fed dogs are much harder to housebreak, because they are more likely to eat small portions more frequently. More frequent eating, means more frequent bathroom trips. He should be fed twice daily, and the food should only be available for 15-20 minutes for each feeding. What does not get eaten in that 15-20 minute period gets removed. It is important to not offer him food until his dinner time, although a treat whenever he potty's outside is fine. Keep in mind that most dogs will have to go to the restroom 15 minutes after eating, drinking, waking from a nap, or playing. Time your bathroom trips accordingly.
    Secondly, when you walk him outside, take him ON LEASH and take him to the SAME SPOT each time. Once a dog has eliminated in the same place a few times, they will usually prefer to go there as opposed to other places.
    Third, you will want to clean your floors with an enzyme cleaner wherever he's eliminated. This eliminates the pheromones that are in urine. My personal favorite product is Natures Miracle.
    Fourth, you need to keep him confined or supervised, especially at night or when you aren't home. You can use a crate or an exercise pen to confine him. This ensures he doesn't sneak off and use the restroom somewhere else in your house.
    Potty training can be tough, don't get discouraged! Good luck with your dog, let me know if you have any other questions.