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19 9:39:38

I have a 3 month old pit bull and he bites too much. He thinks that he's play biting but he bites hard. What can I do to prevent him from doing this?

It's usually not a great idea to teach a dog to "play" with your hands. Then he considers hands, legs, ankles, etc. pretty much parts of the body, well, chew toys. Then, when he ends up getting to be 3 years old and has the jaw of a full grown Pit, you've got problems.

Get him chew toys, and when he gnaws on your hands, firmly correct him by putting a chew toy in his mouth.
Kongs are great toys, but if he's too small or uninterested, you could get a rag and twist it up. Sometimes dogs find that more entertaining than any toy on the market.

If he wants to play with you, he should play fetch or tug-of-war. He shouldn't bite or nip! You'll be glad you taught him these things when he ends up being 5 years old and very well behaved :)