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Pulled Muscle on my dog

19 10:55:55

I have an American Bull  Dog  who yesterday all of the sudden could not put pressure on his back left leg. You can move his foot and leg, but his muscle seems to be really tight i think that he just pulled it. I am going to take him to the vet tomorrow. He is not yelping or anything, but he wont eat anything just drink some water? I am thinking about giving him a hot  bath, what do you think.

No, you need to ice him down if you can figure out where the injury is. Gently run your hand all over the area as you feel for a spot that is warmer than the area around it. Tighter would also work if you can't find a warmer spot.

You can make an ice pack out of 1/3 rubbing alcohol and 2/3 water and freeze it in two ZipLock Baggies. Put a thin cloth between the ice pack and the dog's skin, and apply the ice twenty minutes on/twenty minutes off/twenty minutes on. Do this at least twice a day.