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new food for my irish terrier puppy

19 9:44:13

hello nancy
my name is blair and i will be getting my Irish pup in a few weeks the breeder that i am using told me the pup is on nutrichoice and i can not get that in my area so i would like to know if i could get a good food for my terrier from a shop like petsmart as that is the only pet shop in my area thank you for your time

Hi Blair,
If it is Nutrachoice, Petsmart carries that brand.  I want you to be aware that all the wire haired coated terriers need high fat diets....AND need to be FLEA FREE.... If you follow those two rules you will never have skin or coat problems...If you find yourself on a lower fat dog food, either add ground beef, or dark meat chicken to his diet  or   use omega 3 fatty acids to supplement.    If you can I would also get a small bag of puppy Eukanuba and add a little to his daily meals as it will curtail a lot of chewing. If for some reason you cant find the nutrachoice, then start him on Eukanuba puppy, (but get some dog food from your breeder to mix with it so he doesn't get the runs) and when he is about 7 months start switching him to ProPlan Salmon and Rice....It is a great dog food.  It is also called Purina One in the food stores.
You have chosen a wonderful breed good luck. I have been raising terriers for 40 years would have nothing else in my life.