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Katie 4 yrs old dachshound

19 11:26:04

Hi worried about my pup she,s 4 yrs old over weight eats lots people food mostly steak and chicken all cooked has her own plate she had some bones from a t-bone since she has the runs
and blood two days now she goes and at the very end of her runs blood why? take her to vet?

Your dog is eating a diet that is much too high in protein and fat. She should be gradually put on a diet tailored for her needs in order to extend her life span and keep her happy, healthy and comfortable. Doxies in particular tend to be overweight which due to issues with their backs is very very dangerous. Take your dog to the vet , have a complete physical done and ask your vet to put her on a nutritious weight loss diet. A harsh diet with too few calories will cause her to go into shock and die. Your dog could have diabetes, heart problems, or any number of other problems that are diet related. Your vet will help you get her started on a slow diet and exercise program that will allow you to have a happy,. healthy dog who lives with you for a long time. Put away the treats and the human food!More than likely she has gastroenteritis associated with her diet,but she could also have a puncture from a bone splinter. Let me know what your vet says.