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Agility Refusal Question

19 14:31:04

I guess this more of a behaviour/medical question than an agility question. My Golden Retriever, Tammy (22 months), has been doing agility for about 4 months. She got off to a flying start and graduated through the first two levels at our club very quickly.
Over the past six weeks she has started refusing to do agility. It started with her refusing to run down the A-frame (although it was a steeper version that she was use to), she then refused to jump off the table. She seems very eager on her first run through but then won't even start after that.
I get her into the start position and she will not budge, no matter what food, toy or anything else I try and coax her with. I have created a make shift jump and weavers, and have had no problem practicing with them, until tonight.  She completed the jump fine first time around but that was it. She would not jump it again. She refused to move.  (I did get her to run through the weavers again.)
I was afraid that she was refusing because she was injured and so took a 2 week break - but it has not made any improvement. I am afraid that she is trying to "tell" me something and don't want to push it in case jumping etc. is hurting her somehow. She is generally a very obedient and enthusiastic dog.

I am seriously considering giving up on agility (although it is great fun).  Have you ever seen this behaviour before? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


If this is a new problem it is probably an injury/pain issue.  I would get her checked by a vet before you try again.  He may wish to x-ray her back and hips in order to determine there is no damage.
other than that - maybe you are just going too quickly and need to go back a level to the smaller jumps and lower A frame for a while before trying the next level up again.  If she's frightened herself this may explain her reluctance to perform.
Hope this helps