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my 2 chiuahuas are sick.

19 9:23:34

Hi, i have 2 chiuahua's that are 6 months old. 2 days ago i noticed they werent eating also they were vomiting, white stuff with bubbles. And they have been shivering. what should i do? I've tried giving them pedilyte but they vomit. please help.

Hi Laura,

Thank you for writing to me.  I can't say this any other way but if you want them to live, rush them to emergency.  Call your vet or take them to an emergency animal hospital.  I don't think they will live without that.  They may have Parvo and surely they will dehydrate without some intravenous fluids.  They are suffering terribly right now so please rush them to the vet.  Most vets have a 24 hr emergency answering service.  Please don't let these munchins suffer and die.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis