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Moving with a sheltie/lab mix

19 10:52:46

I have a 6-year old female sheltie/lab mix. We got her as a puppy from the humane society, so she's been with us all her life. Although she is my dog, I had to go away to college four years ago, so my parents have been caring for Piper. Now that I'm about to graduate, though, I want to move into an apartment and take her with me so that my parents only have one dog to care for. However, I will be accepting a job offer far from home, and consequently, will be living in an apartment alone. I want to make the transition as easy as possible for Piper, but I am also worried that she will not behave well in an apartment. She is a very intelligent dog, but she barks frequently despite training, and she is quite used to having another dog around to play with. What can I do to make the transition easy but still manage her behavior?

Shelties are barkers by nature. You're really going to be asking a lot of your dog.After having spent her entire life in one place,and with a companion to be moved into a smaller area, with less attention and to be spending a great deal of time alone, Are you sure that you want to put her through that?
Possibly it would be better for her, to just wait until you have a larger home with a yard and are better able to give her lots of attention and exercise. If you simply MUST take her, then be prepared to walk her at least twice a day for a good thirty to forty five minutes. Get her a kitten. She IS going to be bark in a strange place, without her family and her friend. Giving her lots of chew toys, like kongs with treats stuffed inside and changing them out alot should help. Try to keep her as busy and occupied as much as possible. Check into doggie day care even if it's just a day or two a week. Take her to the dog park on weekends. Remember a tired dog is a much quieter,calmer dog. Leave a tv on where she can both see and hear it during the day.
good luck