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My dog got into the trash

19 10:19:52

I have a husky (1 1/2 years old) who got into a bag of trash about 2 days ago.  She was having mild diarrhea for the last couple of days, but I just thought that she would get it out of her system and be fine.  Today we really noticed a difference in her attitude, she has been laying around all day long (not normal for a husky), and about 2 hours ago I let her outside, and when she stood up from where she was laying there was blood on the floor.  I am just wondering if you think this is serious enough to take her to emergency care of do you think that I can wait until the morining?

Hi Debra,

Your dog has definitely taken a turn for the worse, and needs to see a veterinarian PRONTO.

I'm really sorry it's taken me this long to get back to you, but that's the big draw back of this website. Whenever you think you're having an emergency, it's far better to call your vet's office and describe the problem to them, and let them tell you what to do next, rather than writing to an on line answer line and waiting for a response!

Best of luck,
