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Boxer puppy with hurt leg!

19 9:51:26

Hi there,

I have an almost 5 month old Boxer puppy of excellent health. However, for the past few days he has been unable to fully weight bear on his front right leg. He is walking with a limp. The problem seems to be in his shoulder area since it appears to take him some work to lift his leg. We massaged his entire leg and shoulder area. For about a day or so, he got some rest and it seemed to be better but now the problem seems to be back. When we attempted to massage the area again, he wimpers. There is no observable swelling or bruising. Is it possible he has just strained or 'pulled' a muscle or can it be deeper than that??? Or could it possibly be a broken bone or torn muscle? What are your thoughts? Also, do you know if it is possible to give dogs anything for pain? Thank you so much for your help!

If it is still showing little signs of getting better tomorrow, better see the vet.  Giving a dog pain killer sometimes makes things worst by keeping it from resting the joint.  You can give dogs 5 mg aspirin per pound of body weight every  12 hours.  Buffered aspirin is best.  The newer are very hard on dogs.  Avoid them.