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Best friend

19 9:19:57

My 15yr old staffy x bull terrier has lumbro sacral and 14months ago had a plate put it that i found out screw snapped and bone didnt fuse approx 2mnths ago. For past year has beeb having acupuncture and massage by dog physio to maintain comfort/movement and ciculation as has an aortic blood clot 5cm long diagnosed 12mnths ago. Had anal andenocarcinoma succesfully removed 12mnths ago and still no signs of metastatis. Had cortisone epidual treatment beginning 2mnths ago, had first shot then 2nd 3 wks later. Four days after 2nd shot diagnosed as having idiopathic vestibular disease however nystigma was vertical, 4 weeks on his symptoms have waxed and waned and now he has a cough. I was convinced he developed pneumonia and got baytri (penicillin) need to kick bug? and get nervous ststem strong again. Need a friend with dog knowledge to tell me how to best care for him now and get him thru this. Having acupuncture and chinese herbs, massage and vitamins and supplements, using humidifier, tapping lungs and back when coughing, getting him up and walking for toilet and turning from side to side. Rest and wheat bags, very cold in oz at moment. What should i be doing to help him more?



Hi Melissa,

It sounds like you're definitely giving your dog the gold standard in care!

Caring for geriatric dog has it's own special challenges, at this point in his life the focus is on maintaining a good quality of life, despite health concerns. Sadly, as much as we do for our elderly pets, they simply do not live as long a life as we wish they could have. At this point in your dog's life, if he is eating well and seems happy and interactive despite his health issues or mobility problems, that is as much as you can ask for.

It really sounds like you're doing everything you should be doing. Along with the vitamin supplements you're giving your dog, are you also giving him antioxidants? An antioxidant rich supplement can slow your dog's aging process, help fortify his immune system, help to maintain good organ function and repair damage to cells.  Even older dogs can benefit from the cellular repair and anti-aging properties antioxidants provide. It's never too late to add an antioxidant rich canine supplement to your pet's diet, but if your dog is on medications, it would be a good idea to discuss using any supplement with your vet, as even vitamins can have drug interactions.

When shopping for a supplement, look for these antioxidants:

Alpha Lipoic Acid: A fatty acid that prevents cataracts, reverses the effects of aging and aids cell repair. Broccoli, spinach, and organ meats.

Grape Seed Extract: Reduces the risk of cancer, promotes skin health, and improves blood circulation.

Lutein: Helps to maintain eye health, including preventing cataracts. Lutein is found in corn, blueberries, leafy green vegetables and egg yolks.

Lycopene: Helps maintain good cells structure. Lycopene is found in tomatoes and other red colored fruits and vegetables.

Milk Thistle Extract: Very helpful in repairing damaged liver cells by improving bile flow.

Selenium: Help with tissue elasticity and preventing dry skin, also protect cell function.

Vitamin A: Maintains healthy eye function, skin appearance, production of white and red blood cells and aids bone and teeth.

Vitamin C: A vital component in the production of collagen (found in connective tissue), aids in wound healing and strengthens blood vessels.

Vitamin E: Protects red blood cells from damage and slows the aging process. Also ensures oxygen is delivered successfully to major organs within the body. Natural sources include liver and organ meats, sunflower, wheat germ and almond oil.

I give my elderly dog an antioxidant supplement called Cell Advance 440, your vet or veterinary acupuncturist might be able to suggest other brands too.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
