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shih tzu allergy

19 11:37:24

my 3 month old shih tzu has redness/scales/crusts in most parts of his body. the part above his nose/between the eyes is already hairless with crusts. his neck, paws, tail and groin have redness/crusts. i have tried using oatmeal shampoo on him twice a week but it doesn't seem to help. what do you think it is and what's the best treatment? thank you.

Hello the very best treatment is for him to see a vet right away, it almost sounds like the dog possibly has mange or other skin problem toher then allergies his condation sounds quite sever and he must be terribly misrible, The best thing to do is see his vet within the next day or two and get his skin tested(simple skin scraping...only takes a few minutes and doesn't cost a lot)then the vet will be able to offer the best possible treatments. I can only advise for basic homecare of a dog that has seen a vet and you know what exactly is wrong with the dog...I can never replace a vets treatment in any way....after your dog is diginosed you may email again with what he has and i can offer home care advice then but he is 80% sure of needing some sort of meds from his vet so he must see him or her right away.