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excited dog

19 9:42:10

I have a lab pit bull mix she just turned 1 in February,my son's girlfriend just got a puppy German shepherd/Newfoundland mix 4 months old, she brings the puppy over on the weekends when she visits my son, our dog Harley doesn't know how to act properly,very hyper, rough, not very friendly, our other dogs a sheltie and a Pomeranian our find, how can i get her to accept seeing this puppy when she comes around,

The dogs should be introduced on neutral territory, like a park or neighbor's yard. Taking them for walks together on leash will help them to get to know each other better without actually allowing them to interact. If the adult dog gets too rough, she should be corrected and made to sit or lie down. Don't allow the puppy to pester her.

It sounds like Harley needs some obedience training to get her more under control. She should be worked with every single day. The puppy should also get into some obedience classes. Also start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with her, and all the dogs.

Things should improve if they continue to see each other most weekends.