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why my dog soils bed

19 9:23:39

hi i rescued a dog from an animal sanctury about a month ago. her first 2 nights with us she wet her bed but we put that down to her being nervous and she stopped but recently she has poohed her bed 3 times in the last week or so. she gets walked every day and i let her out to the garden a half an hour before i put her to bed. do you have any solution or is she still finding her feet maybe?

Dogs that come from places that have a lot of other animals suffer form different things.  First i would take a urine sample to the vet and have it checked for an infection,  Also have her intestines checked for a virus.  Most important, check around her anal area for little rice looking pieces.  If you see some, or even some moving, she has tape worm.  This will make her want to poop at night. These worms cannot be detected in a fecal exam.
Now if all of these things come up negative, we may have an emotional problem.  But please check those things first.  
Let me ask you can she get out of her bed at night to go to the bathroom  in another place? or does she go to her bed and go to the bathroom?

If she is going to the bed to go, she may have been severely punished for going on the floor so she is going in her bed to keep the floor clean.

If she can get out of her bed, put some pads down for her until she gets a handle on this.

From the way you talk, she does go to the bathroom outside when you walk her.  I want you to name the act.  I tell my dogs "Good Potty" so they know what they are doing.  This way I can say "No Potty" at different times.

When she goes outside when you say "Go Potty", she will then be open to other things.  In the mean time teach her tricks and to sit and stay and down.  It is important you establish yourself as leader here because she is very afraid.  She needs to be able to have confidence in you so she is not afraid.  

She is also getting used to a new diet so that could also be a problem.  Use a good dog food that is highly digestible.  Purina One Salmon is very good for sensitive stomachs.

Try these, if you are still having problem, get back with me for plan B