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potty training at pet store bought puppy

19 9:44:06

Hi.  We have a 13 week old chihuahua that we bought from a pet store.  We are crate training her.  She'll go potty outside in her area but continually pees and poops in her crate as well.  Is this because she did that in the pet store?  Normally dogs don't go in their crates right?  What should we do about this?  

This will be a tough problem to solve.  It is not one I have personally encountered and solved or seen many successful reports.  I am a big believer in crates, but hate to see any dog left over 4-5 hours. If you can't make it back to give it a mid day break, see if a neighbor or professional dog walker can. Doggy day care is a great idea too once the dog is older.

Not leaving her too long in the crate is a key step.  Don't leave food or water in the crate.  make sure the crate only has enough room to stretch out.  You want to restrict her activity as much as possible allowing her to go longer.