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Neutered dog still aroused

19 10:35:38

Hello Patti, we have a four year old Australian Sheppard/terrier mix who was fixed over a year ago.  We also have a 15 month old pure bred pug.  The pug just had her 2nd cycle of being in heat (we plan to have her fixed shortly).  

The problem:  The male continues to hump pillows and now the pug.  He actually "got her" twice during the time she was in heat, which my husband and I tried to seperate them physically.  My question is:

Is it normal for the male to continue to have these urges despite him being fixed?  And what is the chance that the
procedure didn't take.  I believe it would kill the pug to deliver his puppies.  

Any advice would help.

Thanks, Kendra

Hi Kendra,

A neutered male can still tie with a female, neutering doesn't always completely take away his sex drive, it just takes away the ability to make puppies. Your Pug cannot be impregnated by a neutered dog.

You can't botch neutering because the dogs testicles have been completely removed.

Best of luck,
