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female lab

19 9:51:11

We just adopted a rescued 8 week old female lab. We have never owned a female before and want to know when is the time to get her "fixed". Does the quality of the vet who does the spading matter? Will a good vet be more carful so the female won't have incontinence when it gets older?  

Keeping in mind, I have no medical training, I don't think the quality of the vet determines whether or not a female dog will develop incontinence later in life.  I think it's pretty much hit or miss in a spayed dog.  Most ppl recommend spaying around 6-8 months.  Although, check out this website, research shows there is no problem doing it much earlier.  The one thing that most research agrees on is that the dog will be much healthier if they're spayed before their first heat.