Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my shih tzu pees a lot

my shih tzu pees a lot

19 10:26:25

My shih tzu is 7 months old, i give him water and food twice per day, like at 12pm and then like at 7pm, i took him out 4 times per day, in the morning, after he eats, in the afteroon and at night.. he pees 4 times, and poos twice...the problem is that he also does in the house!!, like I just took him outside and he DID pee, and like 10 min later he does again inside!! in certain spots of the house!... I dont know what to do!.. Im thinking in just feed him and give him water once per just at night.. so he will go potty in the morning and maybe once in the afternoon... is that recommendable??, to feed him just once? ... that will help?... or what can i do?!!


ANSWER: He may be marking.  Is he neutered yet?  That could take care of the problem.  Make sure you clean the areas really well (with a commercial product designed to eliminate urine odors) and block them off if possible, so the dog doesn't have access to them.  I wouldn't recommend limiting the water.  I'd also take him to the vet just to make sure he doesn't have any bladder problems, like an infection or something.

Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no, he is not neutered... because i would like he to be able to reproduce..
there is any other solution?.. i already clean the areas he would go pee... but still...
right now he is punished.. I have him in his room (thats the only room he respects.. because is his room)..if I   let him be around in the hole house, I cant be all the time behind him to catch him in the act...
thats why i keep him in his room, but i feel sorry for him, cause he is crying.. and he wanna get out of his room like normaly..

As I said, take him to the vet to make sure it's not a bladder issue.  If he's just marking and you keep him intact, he will most likely continue to mark.  The other alternative to locking him up, is to tether him to you.  Get a waist leach that you can either put around your waist or over loop over your shoulder and keep him with you.