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my dog ran away please help

19 11:36:44

is there any way that i can track my dogs whereabouts?
shes been missing for 3 days now,but shes sticking to the neighborhood,i put up reward posters on every block within a mile,i've called all local vets,aspca,animal shelters,etc..i get atleast 3-4 phone calls daily with people telling me that they seen her but by the time i get there shes gone into hiding again!i was wondering if there was a way to figure out where it is that she hides or if theres any way to lure her out of hiding?????

Hi Jose;
Sounds like you have done all you can, short of putting out food where she is seen often, and staying where you can watch the food.
If you could get one of these people, when they call, to coax to dog to them and keep her for you until you get there. Make it plain the reward will only be paid if they hold her for you.