Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > INAPPROPRIATE MOUTHING/NIPPING


19 11:15:43

QUESTION: Our 9-month old puppy is loving and affectionate, but sometimes he interacts with us with his mouth open in a nipping manner which is bothersome.  He does not mean to hurt--I think he just does not realize that it is socially inappropriate.  He has improved a great deal since we brought him home at 10 weeks of age.  How can we modify the behavior so that he is not quite so "teethy" with us?  Thank you!

ANSWER: Hello CArol...this is a behavioral problem and you may need a trainer, but try this for a bit. When he tried to bite you hold is mouth shut and say no bite. it may take a few weeks, but it may do the trick
good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Nancy, thank you for the excellent suggestion.  An additional question:  the puppy chews, pulls on and effectively bites fur from the back of our older (18 month old) dog.  The older dog is extremely docile and will not stick up for himself.  The 9-month old puppy is the smaller but more dominant of the two.  This behavior is unprovoked and does not occur during play--the puppy just starts pulling on his fur.  The 2 dogs get along fine. This is a new behavior which we just noticed over the last week or so.  The older dog's fur on his back is beginning to look clumpy--like a barber took scissors and chopped unevenly!  We just started using a "bitter" spray we purchased at the pet store to discourage this behavior.  Can you think of any other possible solutions?  We wondered about a gentle muzzle to break the habit or perhaps a teeth-proof garment on the back of the older dog, just to block the behavior until it is forgotten.  Any opinion?  Thank you!  Carol

Hi Carol..a muzzle will not help in the long run and may cause more behavioral issues., I would make a shake can and tell the dog NO as you shake it when she does it..the key is to say good boy the minute he stops which will be as soon as he hears the noise. In case you didnt know, a shake can is an empty pop can with about ten pennies in it. good luck