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Possible Leg Injury

19 11:35:04

Hi Laura~

My 11 month old Chihauha was playing (running) with two other dogs yesterday (approximately 16 hours ago) when he suddenly yelped and came running to me on just 3 legs.  He since then has put weight on it but seems to be favoring it at times or should I say just being careful with it.  So my question is if you thought it would be ok to just watch him for a day or two before rushing him to the vet in case it is just a pulled muscle?  He does not seem to be in pain.  He seemed stiff to me this morning but as time went on he was walking on it and even some light play.


If he's putting some weight on it and doesn't really seem in pain when you touch it I'd say it's okay to wait a day to see how he does.  If he really yelps when you touch the leg or try to move it, I would take him in as soon as possible for x-rays.

Chihuahua's as you probably know have little tiny bones that are very easily broken, even by just jumping off the bed!  It is possible the leg is fractured, but not completely broken (all the way through).  

I recommend you call the vet and make an appointment for tomorrow just so you are ready in case it doesn't clear up.  This way you don't have to come in as an emergency and pay more and if things turn out okay, you can cancel with no big problem.

Have a great day and I hope your Chi is okay!
