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My Shy Dog

19 13:43:11

I have a new shy dog. whenever i reach to pet him he will flinch!! i try to push his butt down to make him sit and it doesn't work!! whenever i walk past he jumps and get in a defensive stance. he doesn't eat any of the treats that I've bought him and he will not eat in front me!! he wont come to me because he thinks i will hurt him. I've had him 4 a month and I'm not seeing improvement!! Do you have any training suggestions for a dog that doesn't eat treats?? and how do i break him out of his nervousness??

Hello..first of all, treats are not good so dont worry about that part. Secondly, it sounds like this dog was abused, not shy. You need to get some training with him so he can build his confidence. Sorry i can not help you more on here..good luck