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feed my dog ribs

19 9:17:34

I yesterday fed my lab babyback rib bones; today he is running around the house from place to place; like he cant git comfertable. please tell me what i should do. please help


Hi Dean,

I guess you know now why Pork bones shouldn't ever be given to dogs. They're dangerous for dogs because they can splinter and lodge in a dog's throat, or cause tearing in the digestive tract. Pork bones could even kill your dog.

If your dog is still showing signs of distress, he needs to be examined by a vet. Don't put it off, your dog needs to be seen today.

Anytime you think your dog is having a medical emergency you should call your vet's office, not look for help on an Internet helpline. If your vet's office doesn't have a doctor on call after normal business hours, you should become aware of where there is an after-hours vet clinic in your area.

Many vets recommend NOT giving your dog any sort of bone. If in the future after your dog has healed, you feel that you MUST give your dog bones, never give cooked bones of any kind because they can shatter and splinter. A fresh (raw) beef knuckle bone is one of the safer kinds of bones a dog can chew, but even then it needs to be monitored for signs of excessive wear, and taken away if it's gnawed down to a size that could be swallowed.

Best of luck,
