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My 7 year old dog has started to urinate in the house

19 9:40:06

My 7 year old miniature schnauzer was diagnosed with "bladder stones" a few months ago after we noticed blood in her urine.  The vet had us change to a new dog food for stones and the blood is no longer in her urine.  However, at the same time we noticed the blood in her urine, she started having accidents in the house occasionally.  Up until then she was a well-trained dog, trained to "do her business" outside.  She now urinates in the house almost daily, not always in the same place, but most often on the entry way carpet.  The only other change in her life, besides the new dog food, is that we have noticed a stray cat hanging around our house and yard. Help!  We love our dog but need help with this potty problem!

Hello Barb,
You need to take her back to the vet for an evaluation again.  It is possible that the stones are causing pressure and making her feel like she has to go...She could also be losing control due to bladder problems....There is also something that happens to dogs that are spayed that makes them lose control.   My dog was urinating in her sleep not even knowing.  My vet put her on Proin 25  and it stopped it....
Ask him if this could be the problem and would he recommend this medicine.
PS  once a schnauzer learns to be housebroken they don't become unhousebroken on purpose.  They are very good dogs.