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Red rash like bumps with puss

19 11:05:11

My 1 1/2 year old black lab/pointer mix has had a problem with her skin since I got her from her last owners. She has what is called alopecia.? I'm not sure if it is connected with her new problem but, I had taken her to the vet because she had some pimple like things on her chin and neck which would burst with puss. The doctor gave her some medicine and she had an allergic reaction. Come to find out the doctor had give her a pill that interacted badly with her skin condition(alopacia). She lost almost all of her hair. Since then she has been itchy and now she has those pimples again on her neck and now on her hind legs. I'm not sure if it is the same thing or what it is but I am concerned. Any ideas?

It sounds like a staph infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. There are also some complications of alocpecia and different forms of the disease that can cause some similar symptoms to what you are describing. You need to be very familiar with this disease in order to help your vet come up with a correct diagnosis and treatment. I think this website will help you a great deal. I am also a firm believer in diet and supplements for dogs with skin problems. Make sure your dog is not eating any food containing by products, corn, wheat soy, bha or bht. Also supplementing your dog with 3, 500 mg doses of vitamin C per day and also with vitgamin E, flax seed oil and fish oil will help HUGELY
Good luck