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First annual vaccination

19 13:51:29


I have a 1 1/2 year old pomeranian weighting 7.5 pounds. She is due for her first annual rabies shot (it will be her second, she laready had her first one), and first annual 5-in-1 booster shot (she already had 3 of them one year ago at puppy age).

Question: Can these two shots be given together at the same time/visit or they should be given in intervals (how long of interval)? Also, does it matter which shot is given first if they should be given separately?

Thank You!

Hi Mike!

It is perfectly safe to give both vaccines at the same time.  As a matter of fact, most are given that way as people will take their pets for annual vaccinations just like you, and they don't want to make two trips. It doesn't matter which one is given first.  It is rare, but some dogs will have a reaction to vaccinations so watch her for an hour or so afterwards.  As I said, though, it is very rare.  I have worked for two different Vets and I can only remember one dog ever having a reaction, and they brought her back in and she was given meds to counter the effect.
Your dog will do fine and you should feel good knowing that you are protecting your dog against harmful viruses.

God Bless,