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Fish oil

19 13:43:37

I have a 16 yr. old shih tzu and within the past year and 1/2 he has acquired very flaky skin with eruptions. I was wondering if fish oil might help. how much should i give him? He is 18lbs.

Hi Yvonne :-)

I wouldn't recommend fish oil hun because it can make the Dogs coat very greasy, sticky and sometimes it can become matted up.

Because your Dog is having dry skin it sounds like this may be a form of Eczema or Dermatitis. Skin conditions are very common among small breed Dogs and seem to be even more common in white colored Dogs.

I would recommend you see your Vet to rule out a allergic reaction to a bathing product or inflammation under the skin, and purchase a specially formulated bathing shampoo for dry skin and Eczema. I used this on my oldest Dog and it worked a treat. He barley has dry skin anymore.

Also, if you buy Pet Store shampoo, look for shampoo with a low alcohol and perfume content as this can irritate and exacerbate dry skin conditions.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x