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pug food

19 9:56:27


Hi Patti,  I want to know if it's okay to feed my pug small amounts of raw filet mignon with her kibble; and also freshly ground flax seed and wheat germ. She eats Natural Balance food but won't eat kibble without something "extra" in it. Thanks for your help. Karla Walker


Hi Karla,

Theses days there is a passionate debate over whether or not it's healthy to feed dogs raw meat, with claims and counterclaims hurled through cyberspace and in between the pages of magazines.

First, the fact is that there is only "anecdotal" evidence that raw meat is better than cooked, in other words, claims made by individuals, which aren't backed up by hard clinical trials. My personal feeling is that Bacteria in raw meat IS dangerous to pets, as well as owners, that and the fact there isn't much (if any) benefit to raw meat, I say why risk getting your dog sick? If you ask different people, you'll get different answers. The bottom line is your own personal comfort level.

You don't have to spend those extra dollars on buying your dog filet mignon. That cut isn't any healthier than less expensive cuts of meat. Ground turkey breast or turkey breast filet are actually lower in fat and calories than red meat, and it has more protein. Another good buy are eggs! Chopped or grated hard boiled eggs, or scrambled are some of the best protein choices around.

Both ground Flax seed and Wheat Germ are good additives for your dog, as long as she tolerates them. Oatmeal or Bulgur Wheat (both cooked) are other healthy grains you can add.

I hope I've been a help.

Best of luck,
