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19 10:53:05

my dog has a bad odor when she comes in from the yard,she is a small mixed breed,5-7 lbs,in size.i have check the yard and found nothing for her to roll in to cause this,had her anal gland expelled,and she is bathed regularly. this happens only when she stays outsides for awhile. any help with this would be appreciated.

Hi Jan,

If your dog only gets this odor after being in your yard, it's a fair bet that something in your yard is the problem, though I couldn't say what that might be. You could run a little experiment, and not let your dog out into your yard, and only leash walk her for a period of time. If your dog remains odor free, you'll know where the problem lies.

You didn't say what part of your dog has the offending odor. Is it her front end,  back end or all over?
Have you checked your dog's ears? Bacterially infected ears are often extremely smelling. Your dog will might scratch or shake her head, but not always. Hows the condition of your dog's skin and coat? A bad odor can indicate seborrhea or a skin infection.

You can try using a deodorizing shampoo on your dog, such as Fresh 'n Clean shampoo for dogs or Refresh Deodorizing Shampoo. Shampoos just cover up the odor, they don't treat the actual cause, so the problem can return. If the smell returns, your vet should examine your dog to rule out a medical reason for the smell.

If she gets a clean bill of health, the next place I'd look if she were my dog, would be at her diet. Poor diet can cause a myriad of health problems; bad odor being one of them.

Best of luck,