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Potty training 5 month old Yorkie

19 10:09:43

I am having a really hard time potty training my 5 1/2 month Yorkie. He is about 3 1/2 lbs. I have a litter box for him and inside the litter box I have the wee-pads (I tried the pellets but he was eating them). He sometimes goes in the correct place but for the most part goes every where else. PLEASE HELP!!


This should work the same as housebreaking, except that the puppy would be put on the pads instead of being taken outside.

Put him there immediately after he wakes up, after he eats, plays, or naps. Praise him profusely when he potties on the pads. When you cannot watch him, he needs to be confined in a crate or small pen (with the pads in the pen). He should not be given run of the house until he is realiably seeking out the pads for elimination.