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Dalmation behaviour

19 11:37:12

I am a volunteer trainer at a local club, I have been presented with a Dalmatian bitch who is 2 years old this dog responds very well to training but apparently is having episodes at home at some nights around 10 p.m. her eyes glaze over and she becomes agitated and growls at the owners and they are becoming increasingly afraid of her, I have not seen the dog in 'action' so to speak but they have rung me twice about this issue as I am not a behaviorist I do not know what the issue is as I don't think it is a training issue but more a medical or behavioral issue and I am not qualified to help them.Hope you can help
kind regards from Christine

Hi christine;
I would think this is either a mental problem or the do is VERY good at faking them out and threatening to get her way.
I am wondering if her eyes really glaze over, or if she just has a good, "dirty"look she can give people.
When their eyes glaze over, they are usallu going into shock from fear.
Without seeing what goes on during these episodes, I wouldn't know what to tell them.
If they are afraid of her, that is probably the root of the trouble.
I would hate to snapo judge this, but I would bet that dog just has a good con game going with them.
For it to happen at the same time every night, that doesn't sound like any kind of mental or medical problem.
It sounds more like a dog ruling the roost.
The only thing I could guess is that they try animal massage and give her the calming massages.
Go to
Read about the massages.
I have been using thm for years for pain relief, curing fears, and bad behavior like aggression and excessive barking, anything that comes from the animla being afraid or feeling insecure.